Mission & Focus

copy-of-rt1-tifTo work to build more equitable and inclusive communities which are respectful and inclusive towards the needs and concerns of people from a variety of cultural backgrounds through service, conflict resolution through non-violent communication, and social action.

To exemplify servant leadership in advancing social justice by addressing issues surrounding equity in higher education in terms of experiences with oppression, disparity, achievement, and inclusiveness in the educational environment, curriculum, and the broader community, and to find ways to work against oppression through social action.

Through written word, film & video, and other forms of media, to expand and enrich conversations about  social issues that face our society, and to find ways to take social action while encouraging others to do so as well in their own ways.

To contribute to the improvement of the human condition and intergroup relations.

To continue to increase my own awareness around issues of diversity & social justice; shedding attitudes/behaviors that are oppressive, to make room for those that are more inclusive and humanitarian.

To live a life that benefits and inspires others.